
At the Beach



2024 Fishing Derby


2023 Fishing Derby


Vernon Valley Lake Winter 2022


2022 Fishing Derby


A stunning, late summer sunset


2021 Fishing Derby

2020 Fishing Derby


Beach 2019

2019 Beach

2019 Beach


2019 Fishing Derby

2019 Fishing Derby Winners

Alex Rifflard, 1st Place, 20" Bass

Tony Damato, 2nd Place, 14" Bass

Lily, "3rd Place", 12" Bass

The picture has Lily winning 3rd because Alex wanted to give her his trophy. She did catch a 12 inch fish though (with Grandpa's help I am sure). Tony Damato took 2nd with a 14 inch bass.


2019 Fishing Derby Alex Rifflard with the 1st Place Trophy

Alex Rifflard and Pastor Nik Show Off his 1st Place Trophy

2019 Fishing Derby Fishermen

Alex Rifflard with his 1st Place 20" Bass

2019 Fishing Derby Fishermen

Boating to the Secret Spot

2019 Fishing Derby Winners

Lily with her Proud Grandpa holding a 12" Bass 

2019 Fishing Derby Fishermen

Fishing the Dock

2019 Fishing Derby Fishermen

Fishing Near the Spillway

Congratulations to all the 2019 Winners!


Lake & Beach 2018

Lake 2018 

Swim Platform 2018

Lake & Beach 2018 


2018 Fishing Derby 
Waiting for the Trophies


2 men, one holding a trophy

Joe Baumann

1st Place Winner of the 2018 Fishing Derby


man holding trophy

Tyler Walker

2nd Place Winner of the 2018 Fishing Derby


Teenage boy holds trophy

Morgan Freifelder

3rd Place Winner of the 2018 Fishing Derby


3 fishermen holding trophies

Congratulations to all 3 Winners of the 2018 Fishing Derby


Nice Catch 2018

Labor Day Fun 2016
Emily Garrison (left) and Tammy Ryan enjoy one of the few remaining days of summer while paddling around Vernon Valley Lake

Swan at North Shore
Summer of 2016

Water Management
Summer of 2016 - Solitude Lake Management Inc. airboat

Swans vs. Geese for Territory at the Lake
Spring of 2016

Still Lake and Fall Colors
October 2016